If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
— Ecclesiastes 4:10
Thank God He has not called us to live out this Christian life as a bunch of scattered lone rangers. I am so grateful that in His wisdom, God decided to make me a part of the body of Christ, dependent on other parts of the body. When I am weak I can lean on my brothers and sisters in the Lord, and vice versa.
I pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up. I pity even more the man who willingly separates himself from the rest of the body, missing out on the blessing that God has prepared for him. Too often our pride hinders us from reaching out to others. Some even do it in the name of Christ (“I don’t need man, I have Jesus”). Others do it out of petty differences (“they don’t believe like I do”). Either way, pride is the source of our separation from others, and consequently people fall victim to the enemy as another casualty of war.
Don’t let pride hinder you from reaching out to others. Stop caring about what people think about you, and become transparent. Open up and get connected with other members of the body of Christ… trust me, you’ll need them.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times that I’ve cared too much about what people think about me to where it has hindered me from reaching out. Help me become more transparent and open with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank you for giving me friends that can help me up when I fall. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!