What is a Preacher? Before reading this article, ponder these questions for a second. What comes to mind when you hear the word “preach” or “preacher”? Who, in the church, are those called to preach? What is the difference (if any) between preaching and teaching? Traditionally I always thought preachers were just charismatic Christian speakers. A preacher, in my understanding, was one who could pull the full range of …
GO! Introduction
An 8-part journey designed to move the church to PREACH the TRUTH with CLARITY, CONVICTION, and COMPASSION. Introduction Early on in my Christian walk I became passionate about sharing the Gospel. About a year or so into my faith I started to hit the streets on a weekly basis to intentionally talk about Jesus with strangers. When you routinely share the Gospel, it’s easy to treat it just like …
Race, Church and the Gospel pt. 1 – JACOB RAYFORD
I’ve been wanting to do a series of videos called “Word on the Street” where I’ll discuss different topics surrounding the church, culture and the gospel with different ministry leaders from different perspectives. When it came to deciding what topics would be included on the list of things to discuss, the issue of racism and social justice was a very early addition. It seems as though every week I see something new in the news or social …
Empathic Listening – How It Helps Relationships, Business and Ministry
So I learned a new term after reading Stephen Covey’s book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“. The term is “Empathic Listening”. In short, empathic listening is the art of actually caring about someone you’re talking to. The goal is to first seek to genuinely understand a person, and then to be understood. When someone discerns that you’re actually taking initiative to clearly understand them, it’s more likely that they’ll reciprocate …
2017 India Trip Recap
On July 31st, 2017 I set out to visit my friends in India who are doing amazing work to reach the Indian people for the Lord. The objective was to document our journey and give an accurate picture of India from a Christian perspective. To help me accomplish this I brought photographer Chance James and film maker Manny Collazo. A short film documenting our journey will be released early 2018. …
Life, As Seen on Facebook
Today I had an encounter that was both encouraging and convicting at the same time. After church, a good friend of mine gave me a big hug and told me how proud of me he was. He is much older than me (old enough to be my dad), and we’ve been following Christ together for about the same length of time (I think we were even baptized on the same …
My two greatest fears
If I’m being completely honest with myself, I have had two fears that have propelled much of my drive, but have simultaneously caused a lot of inconsistency and doubt in my life. I’ve had these two fears in the back of my mind for years. I can attribute much of my success and achievements to these fears; as well as some of my procrastination and hesitancy. The struggle is real, …
Reflections from Witnessing Encounters in 2009
I was rummaging through some old files in an archive hard drive of mine and came across some old journal entries and stuff that I used to type out. I found this interesting journal entry about some witnessing encounters I had back in 2009. At this point I was just over 2 years old in the Lord. Here’s how it read: Me, Chris Bean and Kyle Dunlap went to the …
Faith vs. Science? Review of the film “The Unbelievers”
It’s almost midnight on September 13, 2014. I just finished watching “The Unbelievers” – a documentary following Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss as they travel the world speaking at different venues and events spreading their “gospel” of atheism. From time-to-time I watch films, documentaries, speeches, debates, etc. created by people with different beliefs than me to make sure I have some insight into their worldview before I engage them in …
Don’t Move Ahead of God – Verse of the Day: Joshua 2:23
VERSE:Joshua started early the next morning and left the Acacia Grove with all the Israelites. They went as far as the Jordan and stayed there before crossing. After three days the officers went through the camp and commanded the people: “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God carried by the Levitical priests, you must break camp and follow it. But keep a distance of about 1,000 yards between yourselves and the ark. …