Therefore, whoever thinks he stands must be careful not to fall!
— 1 Corinthians 10:12 (HCSB)
The ones who are most susceptible to fall are those who think they can’t. When Jesus told Peter “you will deny me” what did Peter do? Did he say “Lord, I don’t want to deny you, but I know how weak my flesh is. Please help me”? No. He said “I will NEVER deny you”. Peter, like many of us, gave himself too much credit. If you ask any man or woman of God who fell hard, most of them will say the same thing -“I never thought that it would happen to me”.
Today’s verse has a twofold application:
1. Don’t think that you have gained such high spiritual standing that you cannot fall. Know that your flesh unchecked will take you further than you ever thought you would go. When you see men or women of God fall hard, don’t ask “how could they do that!?” Instead, think “that could be me”.
2. “Be careful not to fall”. Understand the weakness of the flesh and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. Alone time and intimate fellowship with God is a sure way to stand firm. In the midst of your fellowship with God, you will become more aware of your dependence on Him, which leads to more fellowship. Therefore time spent with God is they key.
Heavenly Father, I acknowledge the weakness of my flesh and know that if unchecked, it will take me further than I ever wanted to go. I rely on the power of your Holy Spirit to keep me standing firm. As I seek you through intimacy and fellowship, I pray that you awaken a deeper realization of my dependency on you, which would lead to deeper intimacy and fellowship. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!