Be wise and seize the opportunity

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Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.
— Colossians 4:5

Paul is writing this letter to the church; so when he says “outsiders” he is referring to unbelievers. God has strategically placed the members of His universal church in the midst of many unbelievers. The lost are everywhere around us: at work, at school, in our families, etc. God, through Paul, tells us to be wise in the way we act towards the lost. That means that we need to be above reproach in all areas of our life, speech and conduct; especially when we are around unbelievers so that our witness is not dulled.

Not only does Paul warn us to be careful in our actions around unbelievers, he also tells us to make the most of EVERY opportunity. Imagine what your city would look like if every Christian stopped making excuses and shared their faith every opportunity that came up.

Do not let your guard down for one second, especially in front of unbelievers. Trust me, they are watching and they love to see Christians stumble. Be careful to represent Christ towards outsiders, and intentionally share your faith with those that God puts in your path.

Heavenly Father, help me to be wise in the way I act towards outsiders. Help me be more aware of the opportunities you make for me to share my faith in you, and give me the strength to step out. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!

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