God, your spiritual fire insurance?

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“When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,” says the Lord Almighty.
— Zechariah 7:13

I have known people who have experienced terrible loss, and asked “where was God when I needed Him?” If I cringe on the inside when I hear stuff like that; how much more does the Father who has been calling out to them for years, only to be ignored? The people who talk like that are usually those who have nothing to do with God outside of their “weekly duty” of going to church – if that. The only time they seek God is to get something from Him, and God says “when I called, you did not listen; why should I do any different?”

Do NOT ignore the call of God. Think about the dedication of the Father, who passionately pursues His enemies in order to bring them into a love relationship with Himself. Do not think of Him as your spiritual fire insurance that you can call on ONLY in times of need.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for calling me, and opening my ears to listen. I pray that I would be able to respond to your call, and that I would never be one who ignores you. I thank you for pursuing me with the intention of bringing me into intimacy with you. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!

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