Good Mourning!

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blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
— Matthew 5:4

Though most times we equate mourning as something that is negative, there is such a thing as good mourning. In fact, we can’t even be saved unless we have mourned over our own sins in repentance. When we mourn over what God mourns over, it is so that we would act as God would desire us to act. Whether the application of good mourning is repentance, intercession, compassion, or anything else, the outcome is always God’s comfort.

Be open to mourn over those things God mourns over. If you rarely, or have never spent meaningful time to mourn over your own sin, the lost, the dying, the hurting, the murder of the unborn, the moral decay of America, etc. take some time today. Ask God to give you a glimpse into His heart so that you would be moved to action.

Heavenly Father, give me a glimpse into your heart. Help me to see those things that you mourn over, and allow me to share in your mourning so that it would compel me to action. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!

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