He triumphed by the cross!

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And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
— Colossians 2:15

By all human standards of reason, the cross seemed like the opposite of a triumph for Jesus. He was arrested by His enemies, spit on, lied about, beaten down, stripped, publicly humiliated, tortured and murdered as a heretic; yet Paul says that by going through all of that, Jesus disarmed the powers and authorities and made a spectacle of them. How so? By demonstrating the greatness God’s love! It is by this same attitude of love through us that the world will come to know Him; yet our flesh would rather take us the other direction. We would much rather fight for our rights, defend ourselves, avoid conflict, and flee from persecution.

When the world is against you and your enemies are oppressing you because of the faith that you have in Christ, love them. When you are taken advantage of, lied about and abused, share in Christ’s heart and love them. In our own strength, this is impossible. But the spirit of the one who endured all of the tortures of the cross lives in us and will empower us to love just as He loves.

Heavenly Father, I see this task as something that is impossible because I hold onto my rights so dearly; yet all things are possible with you. Lord, help me love my enemies and triumph over powers and authorities by carrying my cross and sharing in your sufferings alongside you. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!

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