Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all me, because all sinned…
— Romans 5:12
We like to think of the human race as being relatively good. We meet nice people and have nice friends; a lot of whom may not profess faith in Christ. Because of this, many people tend to think of heaven as being the “default destination” of all mankind. Surely most people go to heaven unless they do something really bad… right? We hear things like “if someone dies without ever hearing the gospel, surely God will make a way of salvation for them”. However, the testimony of the book of Romans (along with the rest of the bible) point out that that type of thinking is flawed. If it were not, we would be able to say to Jesus “thank you for your sacrifice, but there could have been another way to the Father apart from you”. According to the bible, since we are born in sin hell is the default destination of all mankind. Thanks be to God that He has provided the way of salvation to us all through Christ. The question we are left with as those who have received Christ is this: what are you going to do with the salvation that you have?
If hell is the default destination of all mankind, we as Christ’s ambassadors have no time to waste playing games with life. Our goal should not be to try and answer the question “what about those who never heard about Jesus”. Our goal should rather be to alleviate the question altogether. Go and make disciples!
Heavenly Father, I thank you for saving me in the midst of my depravity. Just as sin entered the world through my father Adam, and death through sin, and in this way death was my destination… yet you came and gave me life! With a heart of gratitude I will proclaim your salvation all the days of my life. I ask for your strength, your power, and your heart as I go out into the world with the gospel message. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!