So [God] said He would destroy [Israel] – had not Moses, His chosen one, stood in the breach before Him to keep His wrath from destroying them.
— Psalm 106:23
America is increasingly immoral, and in dire need of repentance. God was about to wipe out an entire nation if it were not for one man – Moses – who stood in the gap between them and God, and pleaded for the salvation of that nation. Jesus is considered a prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15) because He stood in the gap between sinners and God, and provided a way of escape from God’s wrath. We likewise, as Christ’s manifest body on Earth, are called to such a ministry of intersession for our nation.
Let your heart be aligned with God’s heart when viewing the moral decay of society. Give yourself to prayer and stand in the gap between a Holy God and a sinful nation.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for your patient endurance when I was in my sins. I thank you for letting your wrath linger, giving me grace upon grace so that I would escape your wrath. I pray that your loving-kindness in holding back your wrath against this world and our nation would be seen in our culture so that they would come to repentance. I pray that your people would stand up and fearlessly proclaim your gospel until the full number of Gentiles would be brought into your kingdom. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!