So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him.
— Colossians 2:6
The word “Lord” in Greek is “Kurios” which means ruler or controller. When we receive Christ as “Lord,” that means that we give up control of our lives and surrender our will to His will, especially when our wills are at odds with His. The way we received Christ as Lord was by putting our faith in Him, demonstrating that we trusted Him with our lives. Christ’s lordship in your life is not marked by the fact that at some point you prayed a prayer; Christ’s lordship is marked by daily putting your trust in Him and submitting to His will, just as you did that first day you received Him.
The Christian life is not about how you start so much as it is how you finish. In the same way that you received Christ as the ruler of all your affairs by faith, continue to live in Him daily.
Heavenly Father, I assert your lordship over my life, and I commit myself too walking daily in your will. I ask for your guidance and I rely on your strength to accomplish this, In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!