[Jesus speaking to the church in Laodicea] “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
— Revelation 3:15-16
We have all heard the term “lukewarm Christian”; however it’s an oxymoron. Saying that someone is a lukewarm Christian is like saying someone is a married bachelor – there is no such thing. Most people who are lukewarm are comforted by the fact that they don’t look much different from the other people in their church. In other words, they are comforted when they compare themselves by themselves. But who’s to say that the people we compare ourselves to are safe in their nominal devotion? We should rather compare ourselves to the scriptures. Jesus leaves no room for nominal Christianity. The reason lukewarm devotion to Jesus incurs such a harsh penalty is because we are equating He who is most honorable and worthy to that which is common and unworthy.
Analyze your commitment and devotion to Jesus by asking yourself if you are hot, cold, or lukewarm. Understand that flaming hot devotion to Jesus is the ONLY proper response to the gospel. Think about what “hot” devotion to Jesus would look like in your life. Know that in yourself, you are incapable of being devoted to Jesus in this way and run to Jesus through prayer, bible study and obedience asking Him to create that type of fiery hot passion for Him in you.
Heavenly Father, create in me a fiery passion for you that only gets hotter as the years go by. Help me to not be complacent with lukewarm devotion to you. Forgive me for the times where if have treated you as common and unworthy of total abandonment. Lord, be the fire shut up in my bones. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!