Saved by faith alone, but not by faith that’s alone

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Where, then, is boasting?  It is excluded.  On what principle?  On that of observing the law?  No, but on that of faith.  For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law…
…Do we, then nullify the law by this faith?  Not at all!  Rather, we uphold the law.
                — Romans 3:27-28; 30
A man was standing on a street corner handing out blank pieces of paper.  Finally, someone stopped and asked “what is this?”.  The man replied “that’s a list of all of the good deeds you’ve done to earn salvation”. 
All men have been subjected to sin, and all men can be freely forgiven; not on the basis of what they’ve done, but on the basis of faith in what God has done.  No one can boast before God and say “my goodness landed me a place in heaven”. 
The question therein lies, “so why obey God’s commands?”.  We obey because we’ve been justified by faith!  If someone continues to live in unrepentant sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth of Jesus, they’ve never truly put their faith in Christ.  If a man has been justified, he will also be sanctified.  Our justification is by faith, apart from the law, yet it produces obedience to the law.  As Martin Luther said, “We are justified by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone”.   
Focus on the balance between faith and works.  Understand that you have no room for boasting, and that your good works have nothing to do with your salvation.  Also understand that true salvation produces a lifestyle of repentance and obedience to God’s commands.
Heavenly Father, I thank you that I have been saved on the basis of faith in your work; not on the basis of my works.  I also thank you that faith in you has produced in me a lifestyle of repentance and obedience.  I pray that you would continue your work in me so that I would be conformed more into the image of Christ.  In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN! 

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