Search your heart and be silent

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In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.
—Psalm 4:4

Whenever a disagreement arises, we are usually quick to defend our position. When something makes us angry, we are quick to meditate on why we are justified in our anger. This type of meditation feels good to the flesh, and gives birth to sin. Before you know it, you are knee deep in bitterness and held captive by resentment. We must consciously search inwardly before looking at others.

Subject defensive thoughts (those thoughts which convince you that your anger is justified) to God. Be silent, and search your heart with the light of His word. Ask God to expose any bitter root or resentful attitude that you may have, and follow the Spirit who is leading you away from them.

Heavenly Father, I ask you to reveal to me any bitterness or resentment that i may have towards another individual. I choose this moment to be silent, and to search my heart so that i may not sin in my anger. Help me see my thoughts and my actions the way you see them, and give me the strength to submit them to you. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!

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