Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
— Hebrews 12:14
What is “holy”? Holy means completely set apart. According to Strong’s Concordance, it means pure and sanctified. Why do we have to be holy? According to this verse, we need to be holy so that we can see the Lord. It amazes me that people who claim to love Jesus with their whole heart, and say that He is “Lord” can continue living in the same sin that sent Him to the cross. This verse is not promoting human perfectionism in this life, but rather suggests that our goal as Christians is to strive towards holiness. This means that when we recognize sin, we are grieved and we turn from it. We confess and deal with sin; rather than live peaceably in it. For a stark realization of the destiny of those who hear the truth, and yet willfully continue in sin, read Hebrews 10:26-27.
Strive to live holy every day. When you fall short, repent and move forward by God’s grace. Be an example of godly living.
Holy King, I thank you that even though I was a sinner separated from you, you came and died for me; and the blood that spilled from your body covered my wretched sins. I thank you that when you looked upon the beaten bloody body of Jesus on the cross, you saw all of my sins; and now when you see me, you see His righteousness. I pray that I can live a life in light of that sacrifice and grow in holiness. I thank you for living in me, giving me the power to turn from sin towards you. I pray that I would be more sensitive to your leading so that I can grow in holiness. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!