True Church Growth

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…and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
— Acts 2:47

I love how it says that the Lord added to their number “those who were being saved”, not “believers from somewhere else”. A lot of people boast about their churches growing in number, which isn’t a bad thing if it’s the kind of church growth God is interested in. A lot of church growth tactics are built around the “come y’all” attitude rather than “therefore go”. In other words, we are trying to attract people to come to our meetings rather than exhort Christians to go and make disciples. The result – churches are growing by attracting Christians from other churches. True church growth comes from souls getting saved, not from stealing congregants.

Rather than making a critical judgment about the church growth tactics your current assembly may be using, make a critical judgment about the church growth tactics you are using in your personal life. Be intentional about making disciples and getting people saved.

Heavenly Father, equip me with the knowledge of how to make disciples. Embolden me to preach your gospel to the lost. Add to our number daily those who are being saved. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!

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