Vanity Apart from Truth

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VERSE: (speaking of godless men)
Always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.
— 2 Timothy 3:7

It doesn’t matter how many years you have gone to college, how many degrees you have in philosophy, or how many plaques you have on the wall; man’s attempt to gain understanding apart from God always leads to futility. We cannot give ourselves over to vain philosophies, but must uphold the truth as God has revealed to us in His word.

Don’t ever, for one second think that we can gain understanding in life apart from God. Thank God that we have been given the truth in times of such uncertainty, and that the truth is readily available to us. Open the truth of God’s word and begin to unravel its inexhaustible riches!

Father God, thank you for not hiding yourself from us or leaving us as orphans in the dark. Thank you for shining your light and giving us understanding through your word. I pray that as I read it, you would help me to understand it and apply it to my life so that I can be a beacon of light to others in this dark world. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!

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