When God Says “Jump”, Just Do It!

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“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed Him.
— Matthew 4:19-20

So many times we can hear a convicting message directly out of the Word of God, exhorting us to act on what we heard. Sadly, not many follow the leading of that conviction, and instead we rather “think about what we should do”. However, the bible doesn’t suggest that that is an appropriate response. The appropriate response would be to immediately obey Jesus without asking any questions, even if it means leaving everything behind. When Jesus told Peter and Andrew “come, follow me” they didn’t talk about what He may have meant. They didn’t ask “where are we going?” or “what exactly will we be doing?” NO! They instead left everything behind in all uncertainty, trusting that Christ’s ways were best.

Start obeying God in what is blatant and obvious in the scriptures without asking questions or thinking about it. In other words, when God says “jump,” don’t ask “how high?”… Just do it! Most times the understanding comes after the obeying.

Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times that I have heard your word, and did not follow because of uncertainty. I choose this day to follow you wherever you would have me go, regardless if I understand or not. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN!

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